Hey fellow foodie:
Would you travel the distance, just to savour the local food delights. For Thai food, we definitely would.
Find a range of Thai food found in Bangkok. The funny facts that we learnt in our last visit was to value the local food priced at very low affordable prices. Prepared and cooked by locals, the food is delicious and yet super affordable. We tried some high end restaurant spreads but were not too impressed with both the service and flavour of the food, has it as its quality has been compromised.
Hotel Buffets & Restaurants & Local To Dos
Then again there are many hotels and restaurants that offer great spread of local and international food at affordable prices. And if you book in advance, you can even save a significant amount of fee.
We usually pre-book our buffet, cruise or travel through site like Klook as they offer many ranges of offers and at good discounted rates too. Do your homework before travelling and save more money for more food selections at more places.