Stay At Home and Bake

Stay at home and bake. Missing your cakes and cookies? Time to fill the home with aromatic smell of cakes and cookies, while you are at home.

Baking Oreo Cheese Cake Made Easy

Delicious Pandan Santan Cake

Sweet Corn Chiffon Cake

Vegan Bakes

Baking Egg Tarts at Home!

baking egg tarts at home
Egg Tarts

Get your egg tarts recipe here and start baking now!

Coffee Buns (Roti Boy Style)

You can now bake and eat fresh your favourite roti boy or roti papa!

Or if you have an urge to eat your own favourite nyonya kueh, hotly made from your kitchen.

Nyonya Kueh – Kueh Salat made of glutinuous rice and pandan santan. Check out this pandan fragrant santan kueh.

Kueh seri Muka|kueh salat|nyonya kueh|kuih muih|salat kuih|kuih salat|delicious kueh salat Kueh seri muka is also known as kueh salat is a type of nyonya kueh .

Sweet top with glutinous rice at the bottom, this kueh is easy to make at home.

Kueh seri Muka|kueh salat|nyonya kueh|kuih muih|salat kuih|kuih salat|delicious kueh salat
Kueh Salat Foodscream

More kueh like kueh ubi bingka recipe.

Kueh ubi bingka
nyonya kueh ubi bingka